Thursday 3 November 2016

Titanic Key Found!!

titanic-locker-key   WALT: reflect on a article that we have chosen from Kiwi Kids News

There was a key found in the Titanic ship that sunk in a man's locker, sold for £85,000 American Money ($14.000 NZ) The man key was found in his locker, and the man who own the key was in the third class and his name was Sidney Sedunary. This key is very important to the people who brought the key for £85,000 cash. The wasn't the only thing that was seling, there was over 200 items that was selling on that day. The Key was the one that stands out for people, many people wanted to buy the key so they made an auction.

Hi guys today I am blogging about a key that was sold for £85,000 and many people were attracted to it. 
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