Monday 14 November 2016


WALT: write up some facts about my church


My church that I attend is C.I.C.C Maungarei church. C.I.C.C stands for Cook Islands Christian Church, that is what the meaning for C.I.C.C is. The location of my church is located, in G.I near the Te Oro hall New Zealand. In my church it is really strict for the girls, you will have to wear: Long dress, Cook Islands hat and Proper shoes. If you don't go by the rules you will punished and will get a hiding from your parents. That is why we don't wear short skirts when we go to church. In my church we all have to stand up, sit down when we have to sing, we always have to sing all the time because it is part of our tradition. We just don't sing normal songs, we sing hymns in Cook Islands we say Imene Tuki. Some of the mama's love to wear a lot of accessories on them to make them look nice for church. The pastor's speech is really boring and it is always in Maori and sometimes in English. We have a 1 hour church service, and we have church on Sundays not on Saturdays. So that is my church, Cook Islands Christian Church and I am proud of it. 

I wonder what church you go to?
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Image result for cook islands christian church

Today I am writing a summary of the church that I attend. My new ideas is to, write more about my church and what is going on. The thing I found challenging was that it was really hard to describe the place where my church is located. I really enjoyed everything in my church, especially the part when the pastor says his message. I want to try and do something the sme like this but different. My next steps are to write up more facts about MY CHURCH.

Thanks for viewing and reading my blog, please leave a comment down below, so that  can Improve on the things that you guys have commented.


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