Wednesday 9 November 2016

The SCARY rescue!!

WALT: read an article and to reflect on it

Girl rescued from Drain

16 year old girl, got stuck in a drain by getting her phone, because she dropped it into the drain so she tried to get it, by getting STUCK! The 16 old woman has been really anxious that she got stuck into the drain hole and stayed there,she panicked. A passing driver saw Ella, so he went and help her by, getting her out of the drain, but he couldn't. The driver helped the poor 16 year old girl and he was really shocked, that he found out that she was reaching for her phone, and then getting herself stuck in  the drain! The 16 year old mother was called, and she thought that Ella was going to sink. Ella said that she was not in pain, but she was stuck. Reaching for her phone in the drain, was a very BIG!! mistake that she has done. Ella just needed a lift so that she can get out, but her mom thought it was a very perilous situation, so she called the Fire Apartment. Then Ella was saved from the incident that happened to her, when she got stuck...

Hmmmm?  I wonder if, you are going to to that if your phone fell in the DRAIN!!

Today, I am writing a reflection that I have chosen from Kiwi Kids News. The article that I have from Kiwi Kids News is, Girl Rescued from drain. It wast a really sad article, but a happy one because the girl was saved. I really enjoyed this article that it taught me a lesson, I will rather leave my phone fall into the drain,. better than getting stuck. My new ideas are to, think before I make a move. I had a fun time, my highlight was, that I learned something new in this article, and is: Live than go for technology. My next steps are to, research more on this article and to learn more about the safety rules.

If you want to visit the site where I got the article from then Click Here!!

If you want to visit my school then Click Here!!

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