Tuesday 8 November 2016

Manaiakalani FILMS!!

WALT: reflect on what we did at Manaiakalani Film Festival 

Today, room 9 and room 2 we buddied up into our pairs and went to the bus and got ready. My buddy was: Unique. She is a awesome buddy and I like her and she helps me to learn, even though she is younger than me. When we arrived at Sylvia Park, lots of the Panmure Bridge were nearly EVERYWHERE!! We went to the awesome mall and went to the Cinema. When we arrived there, the other classes of Tamaki Primary was sitting in a corner, where only our school was. We waited there for about, 10 minutes. Then we get to go inside the COOL!!! cinema...When we walked in, the Cinema was like a massive hall. It was so big, that both of the schools stayed in. There was alot of cool videos that was so awesome, but I thought that only Panmure Bridge and Tamaki Primary school was going to present their movies, but the schools from the East side has presented their movie, not all but some schools. The movie that I really enjoyed was: Point England movie because, their topic was To Never Give Up. It was a cool movie, it was a movie when Olympics was coming up. Lots of kids failed their races, basketball and all those other sports, but they aimed for their goal, which is winning. Their song was Katy Perry, that was their main song for their movie. Manaiakalani Films Festival was so fun, because we get to go out of school and get to go to the biggest cinema I have ever seen. What I really enjoyed was, that I get to watch the coolest movie in town. I didn't find anything challenging, but I didn't like the way my buddy was behaving while we were watching the coolest movies. I reckon that Tamaki Primary one was so awesome that it had some funny scenes inside. My new ideas, was to focus on the topic that the schools has presented. My next steps are to be a perfect role model to my buddy, and to show the right rules.

Thank you for reading my AWESOME!! reflection. Please leave a comment down below so that I can improve on the mistakes that I have done. Please comment a Feedforward or a Feedback anything but sensible so that I can improve more. If you want to watch the video that I enjoyed Click Here! and if you want to visit my school site Click Here!! Thanks for visiting my blog, don't forget that comment down below...

Thank you really much

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