Monday 7 November 2016

Did you know that Basketball.....

WALT:  a presentation about Basketball

Today in room 9, I am making a presentation about Basketball. The reason why I am making a presentation about Basketball, is because Basketball was our was our Kiwi Sport. My new ideas that I will be focusing on is, that I should research on Basketball more and more. It was so fun making this presentation, I did not copy from the internet, like for example: Not coping and paste. I have enjoyed the fun facts that I have put onto this presentation and I hope that you will enjoy. Hopefully you will find out some cool facts. I didn't find anything challenging, all I was doing was researching that is not really hard. My next steps are going to learn more about basketball. I hope that you have enjoyed...

Please Comment on my blog post, any suggestion or feedback so that I can improve on my work.

Many Thanks

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