Monday 14 November 2016

Stolen Guns during TSUNAMI alert!!👿

WALT: research on a article from NZ Herald

Firearms stolen during TSUNAMI evacuation

Number of thieves have stolen Firearms from the Police, during the Tsunami evacuation. Some of the police found out some of the Firearms were missing and that is how they found out. Many people were complaining and saying that, What if we don't have protection when something happens? Some of the police is very disappointed and very sad, that all their gear is all gone from some thieves. Police have witness a man wearing a grey hoodie and  black pants who was riding a red push bike. Police does not know what to do and maybe they will need to be sponsored with protection. 

Are you going to help the police find out the person who stole the guns?
reply in the comment section down below

Image result for police guns

Today I am writing a reflection on a article that I have chosen for NZ Herald. My news ideas is to find and research about the incident that has happened with the police. I am really interested in this article because, it is really different from the other articles that I have chosen from Nz Herald. I found it a little bit challenging because it was hard to reflect and properly next time, I get to reflect better on the article. My next steps are to reflect on more articles. I will try and do something different next time like, choosing a different article. 

Thanks for reading my blog post, please leave a comment down below do that I can improve on the things that you guys have commented. Like a suggestion, feedforward or a feedback.

😉Don't forget that comment😉

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