Tuesday 1 November 2016

The Festival La Tomatina

          The Festival of La Tomatina

WALT: reflect on a Festival that our teacher has given

La Tomatina is a festival celebrated in Valencian town of Bunaol. It is a celebration that people will all gather up together and throw tomatoes at each other, It is a food night. It is celebrated every year on the last Wednesday of August. Thousands and Thousands of people get ready in hiding spots ready for the event(celebration)that will be happening. Every year when the festival is about to start lots and lots of people buy lots of tomatoes that the tomatoes all finish up. The culture that the La Tomatina is associated in is Spanish. The festival( La Tomatina) will last for 1 hour, when the festival has ended lots and lots of Tomatoes has been squashed onto the floor. The Celebration that the festival celebrates, is every year the same day, which is the last Wednesday of August. This Celebration is always celebrating about the tomatoes that comes every year, and there is now tomatoes that grow on that day. There are some rules that you will have to be careful when you play and it is: 
  • Do not bring bottles or hard objects as they can cause accidents and hurt other people
  • Do not rip other people's T-shirts.
  • You must squash the tomatoes before throwing them.
  • Make sure you keep a safe distance from the throwers

Today In room 10, we had to do a reflection on  La Tomatina. This is a festival that is celebrated every year, on the last Wednesday of August. 

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