Monday 7 November 2016

Earthquake STRIKES! central Italy

WALT: read and report on a article that we have chosen from Kiwi Kids news

Strong Earthquake strikes central Italy
There was a massive earthquake that struck Italy, the highest was 6.6. The huge earthquake is more powerful than the 6.2 earthquake that strucked in August, that killed over 300 people and leaving some of the town's remaining. Italy's protection army said that the earthquake had brought down, lots of building and leaving some still standing. After the earthquake, there was not a single word said about the people that was killed on the incident that happened. Local control sad that, lots of the buildings has already been damaged by the August earthquake hit. Italy is one of the places where earthquakes hit, and many people leave that country so that they can survive. They have experienced the worst earthquakes ever!

Image result for italy earthquakes#italy earthquake

Today in room 9, we are writing a reflection on what we did for SSR. For SSR, we had to go onto Kiwi Kids News and go onto the world section and find a article from there. The article that I have chosen from Kiwi Kids News is Strong Earthquake Strikes the Central Italy. That was my article, my article is about how earthquakes has been damaging Italy and lots of people have been killed. My new Ideas is to research more on the Earthquake that happened at Italy. What I found challenging was that I couldn't see why the earthquakes are going for Italy, maybe there are close to the place where the earthquakes happen. My next steps are to find out the meaning and to research more on the earthquake that struck Italy. 

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Thanks for your time!!

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