Thursday 10 November 2016

Did you vote for Donald Trump?

WALT: make our own opinion about the election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Today I have made a D.L.O on a topic that we have had today and it was that we had to, write up our own opinions about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. There is questions asking us to see if we like Donald Trump as our President. I know why lot of people say that he is RACIST but I do not agree,   there is a reason why to that answer. I found it a little bit challenging because I don't know  if, Donald Trump is a good President or maybe I need to think about the negative side. My new ideas, is to focus on the election and to research more on the Election and to see if Donald Trump is fit to be PRESIDENT. My next steps are to research more, and to make sure people have to think before they talk. 

Thank you for reading

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Thank You Really MUCHH!!!

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