Tuesday 15 November 2016


WALT: reflect on specific places around the world and then write a reflection on Canada


Image result for canada
  • Canada is the second largest country in the world, and the first is Russia.
  • Canada's population (2016) is 36,286,378.
  • Canada is the most educated country in the world.
  • Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world.
  • People in Canada leave their car door unlocked, so they can save those people from Polar Bears from killing them.
  • The license plates on the cars are shaped as a Polar Bear.
  • Sometimes the Atlantic Ocean freeze in Canada, and people just play hockey or Ice Skating on the freeze water.
  • Every year when it is Christmas, over 1 million letters are sent to Santa Claus, at his own code "HOH OHO, North Pole, Canada.
  • The mall of America is owned by the Canadians, Canadians are RICH!!
  • Canada was a language, which is Iroquoian language. The meaning of Canada in the Iroquoian  language is "village."
  • Police in Canada give to positive cards to people, for doing something positive.
  • Canada has been attacked 2 times by the Americans in, 1775 and 1812. The Americas have lost both of the attacks.
  • Canada has more people than Tokyo's, Tokyo has lot of peoples wandering the streets.
  • The North American BEAVER, is the national animal of Canada.
Do you want to go to Canada?
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Today for SSR after lunch time, we were given a task from Ms Komor to reflect on Canada. I have found some cool facts about Canada, and it is so different from the other facts that I have found on Social Media. My new ideas that I have learned from all these researching is, that Canada is the second largest country in the world. Isn't that so AWESOME?  I really enjoyed the part when I research, I love to research new things that I have not seen before. I found nothing challenge because it was so easy to do, and simple all we are doing is researching. My next steps, is to research more on Canada and  to blog it. I am always  interested in this Canada researching..

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