Wednesday 16 November 2016

๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ƒLet's see how well you can Comment!!!๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ƒ

WALT: comment on other peoples blog in our school, using the blog commenting tips.

Today in room 9, I have made a D.L.O on the blog comments that I have put on other peoples blog. Today I have chosen Nooroa and Ana from Tamaki Primary, Mere Vaka from Panmure Bridge, Venetia from Point England and Sione from Ruapotaka. I have commented on their work, and the majority of them needs to improve more on their work. My new ideas that I have found while doing this task is, learning how to have the confidence to comment on other peoples blog. I found this task a little bit challenging, because it was hard to focus on the work with a lot of noise surrounding me and it was too loud to work, and it was hard to focus on the commenting things that I had to do. I really had fun while doing this task, even with all the noise that was around me. I really enjoyed the part, when we get to comment on other peoples blog, and we get to have time. There was a question that was always stuck in my head and it was: Am I aloud to comment on other peoples blog? "well" I know that I had to comment on other peoples blog, but not from our school, that question was still in my head and I really needed to know more. My next step are to comment more on other peoples blog, and to use the commenting tips that I have learned. Maybe next time I will try and do something different, like to comment on someone else blog from far away or even a college person that I could comment on. 

Who Knows?
Image result for comment transparent
I hope that you have enjoyed my blog post, and I hope that you have learned  the commenting skills that I used to comment on other peoples blog. Before you leave, please leave a comment down below so that I can improve on the things that I need to work on. Please leave a comment in the comment section down below...

Thank for reading my blog post!!


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