Tuesday 1 November 2016

Football Can Be Dangerous!!

WALT: reflect on a article that we have chosen from Kiwi Kids

Toady in room 9, I am writing a reflection on a article that I have chosen from Kiwi Kids News. Kiwi Kids News is a place where different articles from around the world. If you want to check out the Kiwi Kids News place where I get my articles from then Click Here!! The articles that I have chosen for today is:  Heading in Football can affect your memory. This article is about loosing your memory when you hit the ball with your head more than 20 times, you could loose your memory for about 24 hours. What I found Challenging was that I don't know why it could loose your memory when you hit the ball with your head..Anyways...But I enjoyed it, because that article was a warning for me, when I play Football... 

I hop that you have enjoyed my blog post, please leave a comment down below before you leave any comment, feedback or suggestion so that I can improve on my daily work. Ohhh!  I almost forgot, if you want to to see my school site then Click Here! Do not for get that comment...


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