Monday 14 November 2016

😉Debate!! Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton!!😉

WALT: reflect on the Debate that we did in Room 10

In room 10, we had a debate against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. There was a lot of people on Hillary Clinton and a little bit of people on Donald Trump's side. It was so challenging and so AWESOME!! because we haven't had a debate against each other in like AGES. So we just had a debate, the highlight of the day is when Maui said his one about Donald Trump being Racist and what made it funny was that, he was pretending to read from a paper but there was nothing on it, so he just went freestyle. What made it even cooler and funnier, Losana just came out of the blues and bombed Maui out with some evidence that she got from the Social Media. Losana was like our team leader, coming up with all these good research things. I have enjoyed this debate and it was so AWESOME. I also learned new things from people who said their agreement. I had a AWESOME time and also a LEARNING time, because I learned new things.

  Image result for debate

Today in room 9, I am writing a reflection on what we did at room 10, which we did for Debate. My new ideas is to focus on the things that I need to know more. I found it challenging because I did not have anything to share, I had some but it did not make sense. My next steps is to research more on the things that need to improve on.

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