Wednesday 30 November 2016

😊 My INTEREST in TRUCKS 😊( Tech Reflection)

WALT: write a reflection on what we did at Technology

Today for Technology, we did all the last minute thing like, finishing up and patching up the the crafts that we did last week the week before. I am reflecting and typing all the things that we did at Tamaki College. I really enjoyed it when we get to draw and what we like for our client, and I  also knew what MDF means. My new ideas is that I learned how to draw a truck on a paper, without tracing it. I really had a fun time at tech, I learned so many things and next week would be our last week for tech and that is it for the year. So I am hoping that I will come next week to finish my craft and take it home for my nephew. My next steps are to, know how to draw other things besides the truck. I am so interested and so...excited for next week.
I will try and do a tree, for something new.

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Sunday 20 November 2016

😁My CAMP Goals 😁

WALT: prepare for Camp by setting up goals for us when we go to Camp.


So let's work together!!

Have you ever been to Camp Raglan before?
comment down below

Today in the hall, we were given a task by Ms Komor and Ms Aireen. It was a presentation that we had to complete and it was all about Camp Raglan. I have finished and accomplish all my slides. The task that we had to do on the presentation that was sent to us was, Setting up Goals for Camp. I have made an effort to finish this task, even when it was a bit HARD!! My new ideas that I have learned from this task and it was, that I know what Relating to Others and Participating and Contributing means. Before I did not really know what it meant and I didn't really know what to do, now that I have did the brainstorm about the Topics on Camp, I have improved. My camp goals that I have put onto the presentation is: Confident, Showing Teamwork and Participating. I have found it a bit challenging because it was really hard to brainstorm the things for Relating to others and Contributing and Participating. My next steps are to brainstorm and know more about the topics for Camp. 

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Friday 18 November 2016

❌ Athletic Day CANCELLED ❌

WALT: reflect on what we did today at school.

Athletics Day CANCELLED

It was a raining day, and I thought that it was going to be a really sunny day, due to the weather. I really did not like it when I had to go to school and hear the bad news about the Athletics day. When I heard it was CANCELLED I felt like my heart was going to explode!! I wanted to go home and relax and don't need to worry about anything. I think that everyone was so mad and very indignant. I thought today was going to be AWESOME but apparently it was CANCELLED due to the bad weather. My teacher (Ms Komor) wanted to do something really cool for us instead of doing work so, we decided to do the #Mannequin-challenge and it was so FUN. I was ready for all the jumping, screaming, shouting, racing and all the fun things that was going to happen but it did not happen. It was so fun because the Mannequin Challenge that we did was so different from the other students or adults Mannequin Challenge that they did. I really had a AWESOME time, even when we did not have the Athletics day we were meant to have. The day turned from a terrible day, to a cool and calm day.

If we have finished our Mannequin Challenge I will blog it...

make sure you visit my blog everyday for the challenge😁
Image result for tamaki primary athletics day

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Wednesday 16 November 2016

😂😃Let's see how well you can Comment!!!😂😃

WALT: comment on other peoples blog in our school, using the blog commenting tips.

Today in room 9, I have made a D.L.O on the blog comments that I have put on other peoples blog. Today I have chosen Nooroa and Ana from Tamaki Primary, Mere Vaka from Panmure Bridge, Venetia from Point England and Sione from Ruapotaka. I have commented on their work, and the majority of them needs to improve more on their work. My new ideas that I have found while doing this task is, learning how to have the confidence to comment on other peoples blog. I found this task a little bit challenging, because it was hard to focus on the work with a lot of noise surrounding me and it was too loud to work, and it was hard to focus on the commenting things that I had to do. I really had fun while doing this task, even with all the noise that was around me. I really enjoyed the part, when we get to comment on other peoples blog, and we get to have time. There was a question that was always stuck in my head and it was: Am I aloud to comment on other peoples blog? "well" I know that I had to comment on other peoples blog, but not from our school, that question was still in my head and I really needed to know more. My next step are to comment more on other peoples blog, and to use the commenting tips that I have learned. Maybe next time I will try and do something different, like to comment on someone else blog from far away or even a college person that I could comment on. 

Who Knows?
Image result for comment transparent
I hope that you have enjoyed my blog post, and I hope that you have learned  the commenting skills that I used to comment on other peoples blog. Before you leave, please leave a comment down below so that I can improve on the things that I need to work on. Please leave a comment in the comment section down below...

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Tuesday 15 November 2016


WALT: reflect on specific places around the world and then write a reflection on Canada


Image result for canada
  • Canada is the second largest country in the world, and the first is Russia.
  • Canada's population (2016) is 36,286,378.
  • Canada is the most educated country in the world.
  • Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world.
  • People in Canada leave their car door unlocked, so they can save those people from Polar Bears from killing them.
  • The license plates on the cars are shaped as a Polar Bear.
  • Sometimes the Atlantic Ocean freeze in Canada, and people just play hockey or Ice Skating on the freeze water.
  • Every year when it is Christmas, over 1 million letters are sent to Santa Claus, at his own code "HOH OHO, North Pole, Canada.
  • The mall of America is owned by the Canadians, Canadians are RICH!!
  • Canada was a language, which is Iroquoian language. The meaning of Canada in the Iroquoian  language is "village."
  • Police in Canada give to positive cards to people, for doing something positive.
  • Canada has been attacked 2 times by the Americans in, 1775 and 1812. The Americas have lost both of the attacks.
  • Canada has more people than Tokyo's, Tokyo has lot of peoples wandering the streets.
  • The North American BEAVER, is the national animal of Canada.
Do you want to go to Canada?
Comment down BELOW!!

Today for SSR after lunch time, we were given a task from Ms Komor to reflect on Canada. I have found some cool facts about Canada, and it is so different from the other facts that I have found on Social Media. My new ideas that I have learned from all these researching is, that Canada is the second largest country in the world. Isn't that so AWESOME?  I really enjoyed the part when I research, I love to research new things that I have not seen before. I found nothing challenge because it was so easy to do, and simple all we are doing is researching. My next steps, is to research more on Canada and  to blog it. I am always  interested in this Canada researching..

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🎉Celebration November🎉

WALA: celebrations

Today in room 9, we are doing a task where we have to find out the November Celebrations. The November Celebrations that we found was, King Tut day, Guy Fawkes and Tongue Twister day. My new ideas that I found in my researching was that Guy Fawkes real name is Guido not Guy, but some people just call him by that name. I really enjoyed that part, when we all worked together to make this presentation good. I found it a bit challenging because it was hard to search up different sites to find out the celebrations that is celebrated in November. My next steps are to look up more Celebrations in November. The slide that I did was: Guy Fawkes.

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😕Flood on Tamaki Drive😕

😕 WALT: read a article from NZ Herald from the Technology section and to reflect on the article😕

Supermoon king tide, floods Auckland Tamaki drive

There was a Super Moon tide that reached up to the road, on Tamaki Drive. The road was closed down, until the flood has gone down then it will be re-opened again. Some people have been complaining that the Auckland Council should open the road again, because it is the quickest way to get to the other side. Motorist is easy to cross over, because they are high. Low cars are unable to cross over the flood water because it is too low to cross. The moon was so big and bright, the flood has come up to the road, and made the road full of water 
"People say" 
The Floodwaters people say that they water will be delayed until the water is out of the road. Reporters say that it is the highest water flood that had happened around Tamaki Road. Kids are having fun, diving into the water and they think that it is so fun. Everyone is waiting for the coast to be cleared. 

A car drives through surface flooding on Tamaki Drive last month. Photo / Michael Craig

Hello guys, Today in room 9 we are reflecting on an article that we have chosen from the Technology section in the Nz Herald News. I found this so interesting because, I have never seen a bright moon before and never seen a Super Moon bring up a tide from the sea. I am really AMAZED!! that miracle has ever happened. My new ideas that I have found from this article, is that a Supermoon can make a big tide or flood water come upto land. If I was there, I will be swimming on the road. That will be so funny, and so cool to try something new. My next steps that I will be focusing next time, is to read more articles. 

I hope that you have enjoyed my blog post that I have done🙌

My ARTICLE!! that I read!!


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😁Please Comment on my work!!😁

Do you know what Celebration means?

WALA: Celebrations.

Hi guys, I have made a presentation based on celebrations. The reason why I have chosen this topic because, we are focusing on this topic this term. I did not find anything challenging because it was so easy to do and there was nothing. I really enjoyed this task, I made this presentation all by myself and I love this presentation, because it is all about Celebrations. My new ideas is that I found out that La Tomatina is a spanish celebration.  My next steps are to reflect on more articles.

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Is Sport Sexist?😉

WALT: reflect on an article that our teacher has given from Kiwi Kids News

what is your opinion comment

Today in room 9, I am reflecting on a article that our teacher has given. Today it was different we did not use the netbook to search up the article, we read from a paper and it was so different. Up top is my researching skills, and there is my work that I have done for 1 hour. The new idea that I found was that Sexist is not really that bad and not so mean. I really enjoyed the part when I wrote down the true meaning of sexist, I really enjoyed that part. I found this article a bit challenging, because it was kind of rude and it was something that I should not read next time. I was not really interested in this article, I was shocked!!  My next step is to reflect more on articles. 

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Monday 14 November 2016

🍔McDonald's new BURGER🍔

                  IALT: reflect on a article from NZ Herald

McDonald's create new Nutella Burger

McDonald have created a new burger, for McDonald's lovers. The burger is beautiful, precious tasty and yummy. The new burger that has arrived to the world is the NUTELLA !! burger. The McDonald's use this burger only for dessert so that people can have a heavy food and then to a light food. Fan lovers of McDonald have been buying this unique burger that know one has ever made. McDonald is a place where people buy food and they make the perfect burgers, and is really popular around the world. I wonder if you are a McDonald's lover? This dessert burger is not called Nutella burger it has a unique name of, "The Sweety with Nutella" Could this be mistaken with a real burger? Well then it can not because the meat that is inside of the burger is overflowed with nutella, and even the pickles, all the things inside the burger is only Nutella. 

I think I am going to love this new Nutella Burger!!😁

The creation is served warm at McCafe branded stores in Italy. Photo / Twitter

Hello guys, I am writing a reflection that I have chosen from NZ Herald. The article that I have chosen from the NZ Herald is McDonald's creates new Nutella burger. That is the article that I have chosen, I have chosen this article because it was interesting to look at and it was the article that was different out of all of them. My new ideas is to focus, on the article that I have chosen and write up more evidence by researching. I found nothing challenging, but I really enjoyed reading and researching this article and it was so fun. I am going to try and find a different site so that I can reflect on more articles, that is something new. My next steps are to, reflect more about this article. 

I hope that you have enjoyed my reflection on this article!

Please click here for the article

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WALT: write up some facts about my church


My church that I attend is C.I.C.C Maungarei church. C.I.C.C stands for Cook Islands Christian Church, that is what the meaning for C.I.C.C is. The location of my church is located, in G.I near the Te Oro hall New Zealand. In my church it is really strict for the girls, you will have to wear: Long dress, Cook Islands hat and Proper shoes. If you don't go by the rules you will punished and will get a hiding from your parents. That is why we don't wear short skirts when we go to church. In my church we all have to stand up, sit down when we have to sing, we always have to sing all the time because it is part of our tradition. We just don't sing normal songs, we sing hymns in Cook Islands we say Imene Tuki. Some of the mama's love to wear a lot of accessories on them to make them look nice for church. The pastor's speech is really boring and it is always in Maori and sometimes in English. We have a 1 hour church service, and we have church on Sundays not on Saturdays. So that is my church, Cook Islands Christian Church and I am proud of it. 

I wonder what church you go to?
Comment down below👇

Image result for cook islands christian church

Today I am writing a summary of the church that I attend. My new ideas is to, write more about my church and what is going on. The thing I found challenging was that it was really hard to describe the place where my church is located. I really enjoyed everything in my church, especially the part when the pastor says his message. I want to try and do something the sme like this but different. My next steps are to write up more facts about MY CHURCH.

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