Tuesday 30 August 2016

The BFG Key Idea

   WALT: respond to the text…..The BFG
…..Key Idea….

Friendship can last forever, just like The BFG and Sophie. They were not friends from the start, but they became friends at the end. Think about how you can be friends with someone or something. It can even be a dog as your besfriend, or even the cat
...It does not matter, friendship is always there, no matter what. I once had a very kind friend, who would always look out for me, or when someone beats me up. But that friendship did not last, I had to move here to New Zealand and spend the life time here. Our friendship broke. Pieces fell onto the ground and I felt really emotional. But now I finally know, where friendship is, or how it comes to you. Just like The BFG, he and Sophie didn't really liked each other from the start...coming to the end, they became very best friends.

FRIENDSHIP can never be removed. Sometimes there is always someone trying to ruin your Friendship, trying to make up stories about you, telling lies about you. Many things can ruin your friendship. I made friends with the nicest and kindest friends here in Tamaki Primary and that Friendship will never fade away. So remember that when you have a friend, that friend will never fade away. Having a friend, means the best to me. I can hate, but not all, there is always haters that is always on the move. The BFG and Sophie's Friendship never faded away, they were friends, happy friends.

Just like one quote that I read, it says: Friends shows their love in times of  Trouble not in Happiness.

Having the faith, is the special thing when you have a friend. My friends in Rarotonga, weren't what I expected them to be.  They did not really have the FRIENDSHIP inside of them. No matter if you're big or small, fat or skinny, you will always find a friend….. Remember having a Friend is the whole world to you…
                                    ….Thanks for reading...

1 comment:

  1. This is brilliant Hereani! I thoroughly enjoyed reading your thoughts on friendship. It was very insightful :)
