Wednesday 31 August 2016

My feelings about PUBERTY?


My feelings about PUBERTY is kind of strange, because it feels funny and it feels awkward. It feels like my whole body is about to fade and become a big women. Something I don’t really want to experience is my…………..
That’s what i’m really afraid of because I have no got it yet, it’s just to be true. I have some feeling inside that I am going through PUBERTY like I've been through it before, which I haven’t. I still feel strange, when we have these talks at school about what is changing inside us, is making me feel funny.... Not to say that it’s bad, but it helps me to prepare when PUBERTY hits. When PUBERTY hits foe me, I will feel strange and very funny, as always. I will try and find a way to solve it. My feelings about PUBERTY is: Strange….

WALT: give our feelings about PUBERTY

This is a task that I had to do for PUBERTY talk. This is a last term task and I have decided to blog it. I am very anxious about what I wrote down. Because I do not feel very good when I go through PUBERTY... Please comment on my blog post...Thanks

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