Wednesday 31 August 2016

Life Education Key Idea

WALT: respond to the text….Life Education
                                                   ...Key Idea…
                                      Brain Connection
Brain connection can be a hard thing to do. Sometimes with Brain Connection, it get’s your brain full of stuff that you have learned in your past times and your present times. Getting brain connection is more like, learning new things. What I have in mind now is, I wonder if the brain connection breaks. Just like what Nicole said, Having the brain connection when you're young is still building up. When you grow older some of the weak ones, disappear and the Strong connections stay.

In my brain, it feels like everyday, more connections connect at different places. I get more happier everyday as I learn new things. Everyone learns new things. Brain Connection can be hard for people, just like people that drinks, smoke, they damage their brain by using those bad things that they put into their body’s and goes straight to their brains. Nicole always tells us when we go for Life Education, she always says that getting more brain connection, is like getting more friends.

Some people don't connect much, maybe they do not learn, Listen, disobey, drink and all those bad things. I feel that everyone should have Brain Connection’s. Weak ones are the ones that is supposed to be connecting. Strong ones stay there and does not disappear. Just what I told you, when you are a kid your brain connections and connecting at the same time, and when you get at the age of  20 your weak Brain Connections starts to fade. The strong brain connections stay. Brain Connection is mostly for everyone, Brain Connection should be working in your brain right now. Everyone is learning a new thing.

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