Wednesday 31 August 2016

Astronauts Definition

  • WALT: find the meaning of Astronaut
  • Expeditions-A journey undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose, especially that of exploration, research, or war.
   sentence:My great-grandfather went with a group of      people to the war to fight other people to claim our country.

  • Instant:Is happening or coming immediately
 Briana wanted me to rush home  because her family was coming.

  • Consuming: completely filling one's mind and attention; absorbing.
     Rienna was trying to get Lilianne’s attention and trying to fill her mind with rubbish.

ASTRONAUT’s are people that goes to space for a mission.Like Niel Armstrong, he was the first person to walk on the moon that’s why he is famous, and also he was an astronaut.
Space is a place that no one lives,and a place that the planets stays.Earth is one place even other planets.Space is really hard to get there you have to on the rocket to go there that’s why astronaut only go to space….

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