Wednesday 31 August 2016

My Awesome Information Report

  WALT write an information report about the article.

                                                    SESSION: NEWS
        Red spot cooking up a storm-and heat-on Jupiter

The famous swirling red eye is extremely hot. Jupiter is the biggest planet out of all planets and something is happening to that planet. Scientist say that it can swallow a whole of three planets that’s been raging on, Jupiter for at least 3 centuries. Scientist used a telescope at Hawaii’s Mauna Kea Observatory to see the  problem. The Scientist discovered  that the upper atmosphere above the Great Red Hotspot:
- is the largest storm in the Solar System
-is a hundreds degrees hotter than anywhere else on the planet.
Jupiters storm is going to go 22,000Km by 12,000Km and is located in Jupiter's lower atmosphere. Scientist were not sure why the storm is brick as red, or why it has changed colours over time. Jupiter has been heated up for a long time and scientist say that it is going to be a very big storm.

The Great Red hotspot is similar to a wheel that is wedged between two conveyor. Scientist say that the storm may not be alive, they say that the storm has been shrinking for 100 years. The storm can be very huge, like I said it can swallow a whole of three planets.

Hubble space Telescope show how  it has become orange tinged and more circular. The storm may be strong enough to reach up to 4 planets or even more. Scientist say that the storm may affect earth but not that much. The storm is warming up the atmosphere. The authors call the Great Red spot the “smoking gun” that provides the clue to solving the giant-planet energy.
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