Wednesday 31 August 2016

Based On a Fake Story

WALT: make stories up and prepare for Narrative - Brainstorm               

       It was the most amazing creature she has ever seen
Girl: Jolly
The amazing creature! A sad story
It was the most amazing creature she had ever seen. It had fluffy fur and curled up ears. She thought it was so amazing and of course CUTE. She wanted to take it home but she couldn’t it was someone else’s dog, she felt a cold going through her body and started to cry. “Man that dog is amazing”!!, it could jump over the fence. As she felt sad a little happiness made her happy , she started to feel jumpy again. The she decided to walk back home and see that amzing, fluffy, creature again. She went back home and was feeling so happy again and she felt so happy that she couldn’t wait to go again tomorrow. I’m glad that I saw that fluffy creature She said to herself. Night went past, she went back to that house and saw that fluffy creature again. The creature was jumping up and down and could not stop until she said STOP!!. They played all day until it was time to go .Jolly felt really sad and down because she didn’t want to leave the fluffy looking creature again. So she went back home and told her mum. Her mum felt sorry for her and just said to the daugter,” go and sleep, tomorrow will be a big day”. Morning arrived, hey!! Mum i’m going down and play with that fluffy animal ok!! Jolly went to see that creature, but then!!!!! guess what? The creature was not there anymore and she fell down to the ground screaming and crying but then, this old lady started to look at Jolly crying. “What’s the matter dear? Jolly did not reply. Are you looking for someone? Jolly said yes, I’m looking for a creature with lot’s of fur have you seen him? YES! But sorry dear I'm afraid he has past away….. Years by years Jolly will not forget that dog.
The end

.Based on a fake story.

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