Tuesday 9 August 2016

Information Report- Being Famous

Being Famous
WALT: write a report on being famous

Becoming Famous
Introduction:What are the big ideas in this report?
Opening Statement (no more than one sentence)
Brief description about about the key ideas in this report.
Today I am going to write an information report on Being Famous, using the Titles that we used for brainstorming.
Paragraph One
What does it mean to be famous?
Being famous can be hard sometimes, because being famous can be a goal to achieve in your life. When you are famous it’s like you are well known everywhere you go, for an example: going to New Zealand everybody knows you. Sometimes you can’t have a private time to yourself, or being alone.  You can have a lot of fans coming to your house and a lot of people asking a lot of questions. That privacy does not come to you when you are famous, at night you do not get privacy and a time to yourself. You have a lot of fans and they would want to take a photo with you.

Just like Ariana Grande she is famous for her voice and she even acts in nickelodeon. She is very popular now and she is more than an actress, it’s her voice. So being famous can give you more opportunities and more responsibilities ,it is your choice if you want to expose yourself to the world. You can be famous no matter what, but you just cannot become famous just like that, you have to have a talent to be famous. You become very popular around the whole globe.
Being famous is your choice…...
Paragraph Two

What are the benefits to being famous?
When you are famous things can get a little complicated. Being famous is so awesome because you get a lot of money, it depends that if you are really famous around the world. If you are famous you can afford anything you want, you can be a billionaire and get a mansion. Becoming famous is very helpful you can even get a lamborghini. Becoming famous or if you're already famous you are known as the richest personin the world. Going anywhere you want, getting anything you want, organising a concert or movie. See being famous can be fun too.

You can go to the red carpet. You have to pay heaps if you want to go and watch the red carpet. Celebrities is another name for famous. Celebrities get their money from people, from concerts or shows. People go 10 hours before the time just to watch a concert so they can go in the front, and have to pay a lot of money just to see one person. You get anything you want, but remember ‘You are known around the world’.
Paragraph Three

What are the downsides to being famous?
There are a lot of downsides to being famous. People might not want you to be famous that they want to put you down. Lot’s of people will stalk you and try and come and kill you. That’s why there is always bodyguards protecting you. Being famous is a huge opportunity  for you, but you do not have time to spend with your family. There are a lot of downsides, People put up a status about you on Facebook and really wants to put you down. Paparazzi are always on the move...You always have to watch out for them, they can make stories about about and put you down..

People can stalk your personal life and identity. They can be haterz because of what you did. Being famous is very hard and very scary. Lot’s of people want’s to kill you and all those kinds of stuff. There are always danger ahead, Jennifer Lopez is a famous one, she became famous for acting SELENA the movie...NOT Selena Gomez, but Selena, Selena was killed and shot by someone. Selena is a famous person and she died, so Jennifer Lopez act in  the movie SELENA. So watch out there is danger everywhere when you are famous...

What I like to be famous for..
What I like to be famous for.
I would like to be famous for my talent, which is singing. I am not comfortable with singing and not confident. But I am really good and very confident in dancing Cook Islands. I have not decided yet, but I want to use my gift, singing it can be very hard for me. If I wanted to be famous I would have to focus on what  might happen to me in the future. Having the courage, working hard in school, then that’s when I want to be famous. Being famous for me is not really my type. But yeah I would like to be famous…..

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