Sunday 4 December 2016

🎶Prep for Dine and Dance🎶

WALT: reflect on what we did at Kiwi Can 

🐤Kiwi Can🐤

After morning tea, room 9 went down to the music room and lined up outside. The reason why we lined up outside the classroom is because, we were meant to have the Kiwi Can session in the hall but apparently people were preparing for the Dine and Dance tomorrow night. I was so not happy because I wanted to have it in the hall, but people were inside, so I just went into the music room and sat.........while I was waiting to be called Ms Komor came and got me to go and help. We were watching a movie in the music room and it was Ratatouille. I did not get to watch the first part of the movie, because I had to go and help the people to prepare for the Dine and Dance tomorrow night. When I arrived at the hall, there was Nooroa, Ajani, Paris, Irys and Frances. Then me, Ana and Raena went to the hall and help people to prepare for the Dine and Dance tomorrow night. All we had to do was peel the potatoes and the peel the stickers off the plates.....when we were doing that, Gary and James just came in and I was like WHAT!!! so we just did that and we all managed to finish it all together as a TEAM.

I was working with Paris, Ajani, Frances, Irys and Ana peeling the potatoes while the others were inside like Nooroa, James, Raena and Gary.  They started before us and we finished after them, and that is why they came late into the music room. So we cleaned our mess and took it into the worm farm. After all of that we went back into the Music room and watched for 5 minutes of the movie. I really had a good time, even though I was not in Kiwi Can , but my highlight was that I get to go and help with the prep for Tomorrow night. 

Today I am writing a reflection on what we did at Kiwi Can and I did something else instead of watching a movie. I went to go and help people for the prep for Dine and Dance.

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