Sunday 3 July 2016

The Exhausted Soccer Game

The Exhausted Soccer     Game
The sky is red, and the clouds is black
Image result for soccer players animatedDown on that soccer field I could hear that wack
As I watch the scary game
It feels like everything is about to fade

Whoosh, bang, frack is the noise of the day
When the ball is scored then
everything starts turning grey
It smells like the wind with dirt in it

I feel like the ball is on fire
If you play it feels like an empire
Soccer is a success
When you walk up the stairs

I like playing soccer
as well as David Beckham
I get over excited
When I watch people shoot  a goal

The soccer ball went screaming through the game
The soccer ball smiled when he got his aim
Whoosh, bang , scream
You can hear that noise again
The noise gets louder like its forming a chain

Shoot! The ball went rushing in
It's like shooting into the rubbish bin
It gets hotter, and the day is short
All the players starts to teleport

All the players starts to fall in pain
I wonder…...who will play the game..

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