Tuesday 26 July 2016

Fun Maths Reflection

WALT  divide or share things equally.

 Maths Reflection
Today we did Maths with Ms Sue. We learned how to share and to divide pieces to each group. I learned how to solve fractions in different ways. We were split into groups of 4 so we can do our work. Ms Sue gave us pieces of papers to work on, we were pretty smart on the questions.

Our question was: Seven bars to the four children going kayaking.
..So we had to try and divide it to each person so they can have their share.

So we did:
We gave 1 wholes to each person and we had 3 bars left, what we did was split the wholes into 4 quarters because, there was 4 of them. Then we shared 3 quarters to each person and then they had 1/3 each.
So that is the strategy we used to complete this task.

I contributed by helping them solve the problem using my Maths skills to answer the question.

                         Our answer for the question was: 7 ÷ 4= ⅓
I learned how to put fraction pieces into groups and learned how to split wholes into smaller fractions.

It was a nice session that I had with Ms  Sue and her partner.

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