Tuesday 26 July 2016

The Amazing Suitcase..

The Suitcase

It was 5:00 in the morning  at Summerville and I was preparing to go to work.Ops my name is Daniel Jack and I work at the library and I also loved to publish my cool books.Where was  I’ oh yeah ‘ ....I was having a good time having breakfast and it tasted really nice I was enjoying it.Then I went upstairs had a shower, brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and put on my clothes. When I finished I went downstairs.I went empty handed in the car but also, i’ll never forget my keys never go without my keys. I got in my vehicle  and drove off .I will always be happy when I go to work.It was fun I sang in the car and played happily.I was so glad that I was going to work that I didn’t really forget anything.

While I was still in the car still singing, laughing and happy.Well it is really long drive it’s like 1 hour drive.Then I got off the car went inside suddenly there was a problem.I had left my suitcase full of papers that needs to be publish that I needed to go all the back.But my work starts at 6:00 and I don’t want to be late so I got into the car and started the car.

I felt sad and I was so frightened that I was also so stressed.I was freaked out.

When I got into my  car I looked at the petrol and forgot to fill up the car with fuel. How can I forget that, how  humiliating am I!!!!
A little cold ran down my body I fainted so flat on the floor that my staff came and held me up.I was so mad at myself.I tried to look for another vehicle to grab my suitcase ready to publish.But I could not find anything to help me with.I fainted twice as possible ohhh man I am so stressed that the whole town will get mad at me.How could I,  the best writer and that would not publish a book seriously!!!!!! A BOOK. Then I fainted again that my staff Vergina always had a smelly sock nearby, good thing.

Then suddenly I saw my favourite niece Luna. Didn’t tell you she is my favourite niece….. Anyways she came happily with my suitcase.Man I am so happy.Worst but the best day ever.

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