Sunday 3 July 2016

Free Writing

I was walking in the forest I hear my brother shouting.I tried looking for him but I couldn’t see him as if he look camouflage into the forest, I called out but I could not see him.I saw a river and near that river was an enemy standing with a bayonet pointing it to my brother.I screamed and at the same time  I could hear loud airplanes flying up high as if it could shoot from a gun.I found piles of bread in a little branch.I could hear loud noises as if I could hear it all the way from the forest .The enemy took my brother and took him somewhere else, I tried looking for him but there’s nothing I could see, suddenly I hear men shouting then I remembered something….. it was World War 2. I shouted looking for my brother but all instead I  found is all bread. I cried as if someone can see me.I can see big booms flying from up above coming against the ground.It smells like smoke and the men is like fighting I guess????...I walk out of the forest all I could see is people running for evacuation, When   they supposed to do it already. I shouted for my brother but I could just hear was booming the people shouted even louder and that’s how I couldn't hear my brother.I was scared, I was crying for my brother, I have to look after him because he is younger than me I was so mad at myself, I was not happy I was so angry at myself I couldn't resist it.But then…...I could hear someone screaming unto me Jack!!!!,Jack!!!!! where are you?I was wondering where it was coming  from,I looked behind me I see a little  boy held by a soldier crying, going in a truck somewhere else Why haven’t they killed him yet? Man I was so sad that I could lose him, then I remembered something…. oh my gosh my parents!!!! I ran so fast to my house I looked at it it was destroyed by the booming, I was looking for my parents but all I could see was two people lying next to the house.I ran as hard as I can, saw them but they were not alive they were dead!!! I cried and cried.A bunch of larks flew past and went away I was so mad that I wanted to kill those people. I cried and a big bomb was falling down. I stayed there and hugged my parents and when it was falling nearly on us.. I saw my brother standing right there next to the soldier and…..booooom!!!! The bomb fell on me and my family…..But My brother standing there, still ALIVE…….

The End

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