Thursday 28 July 2016

Peru SSR

WALT identify a specific country

Today in room 9, Ms Komor gave us a place to research. Our country was Peru, it is amazing that it has an old ancient city called Machu Picchu.

Hope you enjoy my research...

France SSR

WALT identify a specific country.\

This was a old SSR research that I forgot to blog... This is my research about France. There is a lot of people in France. Hope you will enjoy my research..Thanks

Joseph Sullivan SSR

WALT identify a specific country.

Today in room 9 we researched about Joseph Sullivan and studied about him. Up top is my information that that I researched about him.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Mongolia SSR

WALT identify a specific country.

Today in room 9 we were given a place to study and research on. This is my research that I have done while doing SSR...Mongolia is our place that we researched on..

Baghdad SSR

WALT identify a specific country.

Today we did Baghdad for SSR.  Learning and studying Baghdad was a little difficult for me, but not that much. Baghdad is the capital city of Iraq, and is the biggest city in the world.
 Baghdad looks awesome...

Nagpur SSR

WALT identify a specific country.

Today in room 9 in SSR, we had to study Nagpur and identify the place and have lot of information about it. Nagpur is a beautiful place, I have heard that Nagpur is famous for their City which is called the "Tiger Capital Of India.....  Thanks

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Rio Olympics

WALT study a place and have information about it

This was our SSR time, we had to study Rio Olympics and to research on it. So up there on top is my explanation on my research on Rio Olympics. I am going to learn more about what is happening in Rio...
Hopefully tomorrow I can tell you more about the Rio Olympics....

My writing goals for term 3

WALT preparing our goals by the end of the term

This is my writing Goals for term 3. I am going to try and achieve this goal and accomplish it. My writing goal is SPELLING! I get very mad when I don't get good report, but that was only one that I did not achieve on but I hope that by the end of this term I get to accomplish this goal. Wishing me the best luck to me.....

SSR Melissa Ingram

SSR Melissa Ingram study

WALT identify and study specific people based on an article.

Today in room 9, we are going to study an article about a person named Melissa Ingram. We are going to study her and read all her things and information about Melissa Ingram.

                                 Melissa Ingram
Melissa was born in henderson in 1985. She joined the swimming club in 1999 when she was only 14 years of age. North Shore swimming club has been the champions and the Olympians ever since 1897. Melissa qualified her first senior team when she was 16 years old.  Melissa was very scared when she had her first swimming game in 2002, she was so scared and nervous at the same time, she was about to fall in, but that did not happen. Melissa has been competing in a lot of event, there was one time that she wanted to switch to  rowing, but she made a decision the she would stay at swimming. She has even won most of her competitions. Melissa broke her record of 2.09.34 in the 200m backstroke at the Beijing olympic games. Melissa has been New Zealand champion for several years and she will continue doing her work...

   ..Thanks for reading..


WALT identify a specific country

This was our SSR time to research on. Rome is the ancient city in the world. They have lots of ancient things there and lots of interesting stories, that you have never heard of.

The Amazing Suitcase..

The Suitcase

It was 5:00 in the morning  at Summerville and I was preparing to go to work.Ops my name is Daniel Jack and I work at the library and I also loved to publish my cool books.Where was  I’ oh yeah ‘ ....I was having a good time having breakfast and it tasted really nice I was enjoying it.Then I went upstairs had a shower, brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and put on my clothes. When I finished I went downstairs.I went empty handed in the car but also, i’ll never forget my keys never go without my keys. I got in my vehicle  and drove off .I will always be happy when I go to work.It was fun I sang in the car and played happily.I was so glad that I was going to work that I didn’t really forget anything.

While I was still in the car still singing, laughing and happy.Well it is really long drive it’s like 1 hour drive.Then I got off the car went inside suddenly there was a problem.I had left my suitcase full of papers that needs to be publish that I needed to go all the back.But my work starts at 6:00 and I don’t want to be late so I got into the car and started the car.

I felt sad and I was so frightened that I was also so stressed.I was freaked out.

When I got into my  car I looked at the petrol and forgot to fill up the car with fuel. How can I forget that, how  humiliating am I!!!!
A little cold ran down my body I fainted so flat on the floor that my staff came and held me up.I was so mad at myself.I tried to look for another vehicle to grab my suitcase ready to publish.But I could not find anything to help me with.I fainted twice as possible ohhh man I am so stressed that the whole town will get mad at me.How could I,  the best writer and that would not publish a book seriously!!!!!! A BOOK. Then I fainted again that my staff Vergina always had a smelly sock nearby, good thing.

Then suddenly I saw my favourite niece Luna. Didn’t tell you she is my favourite niece….. Anyways she came happily with my suitcase.Man I am so happy.Worst but the best day ever.

Fun Maths Reflection

WALT  divide or share things equally.

 Maths Reflection
Today we did Maths with Ms Sue. We learned how to share and to divide pieces to each group. I learned how to solve fractions in different ways. We were split into groups of 4 so we can do our work. Ms Sue gave us pieces of papers to work on, we were pretty smart on the questions.

Our question was: Seven bars to the four children going kayaking.
..So we had to try and divide it to each person so they can have their share.

So we did:
We gave 1 wholes to each person and we had 3 bars left, what we did was split the wholes into 4 quarters because, there was 4 of them. Then we shared 3 quarters to each person and then they had 1/3 each.
So that is the strategy we used to complete this task.

I contributed by helping them solve the problem using my Maths skills to answer the question.

                         Our answer for the question was: 7 ÷ 4= ⅓
I learned how to put fraction pieces into groups and learned how to split wholes into smaller fractions.

It was a nice session that I had with Ms  Sue and her partner.

Monday 25 July 2016

Tamaki College

   Tamaki College
We made Rock Cake it was really nice. Miss Tuipulotu gave us the ingredients and we made the cake, it didn’t take too long to make it was just right, and it was cool and amazing.Making the rock cake didn’t take too long but the butter we had to make it into a cream,it was so hard that we had to take turns.But it turned out good and it was very lovely.It was the best cookie rock cake ever…... It was the first time I have ever been to Tamaki College.

The Interesting country..

WALT: identify a specific country

Saturday 16 July 2016

Click here to read: My Name is Mina

 WALT: study and research about this book

I love this book and this inspires me a lot, because it shows me no matter if you are unique you are still awesome. I think that the main character in the story which is Mina, she has a beautiful unique part, which is writing. She is really well in her writing, but her teacher does not like her because she is unique. Well I hope that one day, the teacher will be pleased with Mina when she grows up. I hope that each and one of you are unique in different ways...Comment on my blog post thanks...

If you want to know more:
Click here to see: Its okay to be unique..My name is Mina

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Free writing War sounds

W.A.L.T write freely while listening music
Its daylight the area sounds like they are shooting and yelling shooting big booms really loud and killing other people it smells like smoke and i hear loud crashing onto the ground soldiers shouting at each other screaming loud booming sounds.

I hear shooting like in a war loud crashing bullets onto the ground feels like lots of people dying because of what's happening loud shooting lots of fighting and lots of shooting it must be a deadly attack i hear dat dey r on the plane shooting from above and onto the ground and i hear that dey r in da air loud noises shooting and yeah dats all I got.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Maori language Week

WALT: study on Maori Language Week

This week is Maori Language week. This is a task that was given to be blog onto Social Media. I had an awesome time, doing this task with my partner, Helen. We worked on it so hard, that we got it right. I do not really understand maori, but I get to finish the task. I had an great time..Comment On my blog post...Thanks

Maori Language week

WALT: learn about the Maori Language week

Learning about the Maori Language week is a great opportunity about this culture. Learning about this culture is a great tine to research on different places. 
Comment on my blog...Thanks

Sunday 3 July 2016

Free Writing

I was walking in the forest I hear my brother shouting.I tried looking for him but I couldn’t see him as if he look camouflage into the forest, I called out but I could not see him.I saw a river and near that river was an enemy standing with a bayonet pointing it to my brother.I screamed and at the same time  I could hear loud airplanes flying up high as if it could shoot from a gun.I found piles of bread in a little branch.I could hear loud noises as if I could hear it all the way from the forest .The enemy took my brother and took him somewhere else, I tried looking for him but there’s nothing I could see, suddenly I hear men shouting then I remembered something….. it was World War 2. I shouted looking for my brother but all instead I  found is all bread. I cried as if someone can see me.I can see big booms flying from up above coming against the ground.It smells like smoke and the men is like fighting I guess????...I walk out of the forest all I could see is people running for evacuation, When   they supposed to do it already. I shouted for my brother but I could just hear was booming the people shouted even louder and that’s how I couldn't hear my brother.I was scared, I was crying for my brother, I have to look after him because he is younger than me I was so mad at myself, I was not happy I was so angry at myself I couldn't resist it.But then…...I could hear someone screaming unto me Jack!!!!,Jack!!!!! where are you?I was wondering where it was coming  from,I looked behind me I see a little  boy held by a soldier crying, going in a truck somewhere else Why haven’t they killed him yet? Man I was so sad that I could lose him, then I remembered something…. oh my gosh my parents!!!! I ran so fast to my house I looked at it it was destroyed by the booming, I was looking for my parents but all I could see was two people lying next to the house.I ran as hard as I can, saw them but they were not alive they were dead!!! I cried and cried.A bunch of larks flew past and went away I was so mad that I wanted to kill those people. I cried and a big bomb was falling down. I stayed there and hugged my parents and when it was falling nearly on us.. I saw my brother standing right there next to the soldier and…..booooom!!!! The bomb fell on me and my family…..But My brother standing there, still ALIVE…….

The End

The Exhausted Soccer Game

The Exhausted Soccer     Game
The sky is red, and the clouds is black
Image result for soccer players animatedDown on that soccer field I could hear that wack
As I watch the scary game
It feels like everything is about to fade

Whoosh, bang, frack is the noise of the day
When the ball is scored then
everything starts turning grey
It smells like the wind with dirt in it

I feel like the ball is on fire
If you play it feels like an empire
Soccer is a success
When you walk up the stairs

I like playing soccer
as well as David Beckham
I get over excited
When I watch people shoot  a goal

The soccer ball went screaming through the game
The soccer ball smiled when he got his aim
Whoosh, bang , scream
You can hear that noise again
The noise gets louder like its forming a chain

Shoot! The ball went rushing in
It's like shooting into the rubbish bin
It gets hotter, and the day is short
All the players starts to teleport

All the players starts to fall in pain
I wonder…...who will play the game..

My awesome Culture (my Zine)

WALT: identify about our culture

This is an old D.L.O that I have found in my drive. Last term this was a presentation that we have to do. We had to do it with Ms Aireen also in room 10. This is part of my Zine, I have to talk about my culture and research on it, my culture is the Cook Islands and I am proud of it. This was never presented and was never seen, so I have decided to blog this.