Monday 12 September 2016

My Movie Script- Student Council

Student Council Movie:
       Expectation vs Reality
Actors: Nooroa, Ana, Ms Komor, Sharon, Toni, Frances

Camera person: Hereani

Editors: Ana, Nooroa, Frances( Ana is the main editor)

Director: Hereani

The whole crew: Toni, Nooroa, Ana, Hereani, Frances
Please remember: no more people into the group, Nooroa's saying...Thanks

Main places to film:
Class room
First Scene, Walking into school with a good behaviour: Two people walk into the school, with a good attitude. They walk up the stairs looking stunning and brave,  walking through the corridors firmly. Goes through all the doors and ends up in the little room (which is the teacher's report room). Knocks on the door and Ms Komor comes out. They talk to her and has a little confession and  want to go into the classroom. They all go in and do their acting.

Second scene, Learning well in class:
The two same people goes into the class with Ms Komor. They grab their netbooks and close the netbook door.  Then they sit at the table and do their work on body parts. They listen to the teacher and respect her, then the teacher leaves  the class., relieving them to be good..While listening to good music. The they decided to go down to the office to see Sharon.

Third scene: Saying Hi to sharon and respecting the office
The two people goes down to the office well walking firmly down the steps and the corridors. They go to the office and says hi to sharon, but apparently Sharon is not there, so they decide to go to the toilets and come back.

Fourth scene: Respecting the toilets
The same old people, goes walking quietly through the corridors and picks up the bags that was on the floor and put it back onto the rail. They go into the toilets and use it properly and respects it. Then they go back into the office and Sharon was still not there. So they go and just sit down and respect the office area.

First scene: Inappropriate attitude brought to the school
The two same people from the expectation scenes. They run into the school with an inappropriate attitude. They run into the corridors and does not respect the bags and people. They put kick the bags and leaves it lying on the floor and runs upto class. They run up to class and opens the netbook cupboard and leaves it open. (which is a rule in room 9)

Second scene: When they get a growling from a teacher and gets sent to the office.
So they be rude in the class and starts to complain about things like, throwing things everywhere, playing music, playing around, not respecting the class.. Then suddenly a teacher starts to walk in the classroom and sees them not doing what they suppose to be doing. So they get a massive growling and gets into trouble for leaving the netbook cupboard open, and was told to go and sit down and do their work for body parts. So they sit at their tables and one of the students starts to call to the other student, and then they get into trouble from the teacher and gets sent down to the office.

Third scene, not respecting the office area and Sharon
The two nawty two goes running down the corridors to the office and runs to the receptionist and talks in a cheeky way to Sharon. So they talk to her in a very bad way and Sharon gets mad and tells them to sit down. Then they wait( the editing part when they take ages, put in the part when it says 20 minutes later, if what I mean then click there 20 minutes later download it) So they go inpatient and decides to go to the bathroom.

Fourth scene, not using the toilets properly:
They run through the corridors again and goes into the toilet and starts to play with the water pouring all the water onto the ground and makes it look bad and they just leave the mess, for the cleaners to do. Then they run into the corridors  laughing for no reason. They run into the office laughing and sits down…

Last scene, Respect your school:
So we all go to the Tamaki wall and shoots the last part when we say “RESPECT YOUR SCHOOL” then we finish off with the movie.

Taking a last video of us except for, we take one at the end of the movie..

- editing(cool as then the others)

The places we recorded at:
  • Corridors
  • Teacher’s little room
  • The Tamaki Wall (outside)
  • The Office
  • The Bathroom
  • The front of the school

Songs included:
The bell
(Choose songs while editing)

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