Monday 12 September 2016

My Awesome Information Report

          Information Report: Olympics-Imaginative Narrative
WALT: write a Information Report on the topic that you have chosen, which is the Olympics

The Topic I have Chosen: Imagine you have compete in an olympic final
                                                               -and lost. How do you feel? Write a narrative
                                                 About where you are, going through in the
                                                                           aftermath of the game or event.

Title: Why I lost the game

Introduction: Today I will writing about how I lost in the Olympic final, and how I will feel about  losing the race.

Paragraph One, Competing in an Olympic Final:
I was shivering and butterflies was inside my tummy. I got really nervous and really shy. When I found out that I was in the finals for the Running,  I got over reacted. The point is that, if I never got to participate in the Running Event, I wouldn't be here. Lot’s of people does not have the chance, to compete in any of the finals. Lots of people tried their very best to try to compete the Olympic Finals. Most of them failed, but some have the chance to race. I will feel happy for those who competed in the olympics finals. People get really excited and they  get nervous, really nervous. That's why people should, be happy if they lose or win. Just like me, if I lost the Running event, I would feel really down and sad. So for me, I will just think about the fun times I won the race…

Paragraph 2 How do you feel about losing a race:
When I lost the game, I felt like I was in a place where there is no air, food and water. I had nowhere to go, but when I felt that I was back into the real world again, my heart started to beat. I had a very emotional time, because I lost the finals, the race that I was waiting for my whole life...I had finally lost it. I feel really sad and angry at the same time. For some people they try their best not to be very emotional and try and just go with the flow. Just like me, I lost the finals and I won all the other games, and today that is when I fail..Why Today?..I felt like their was a storm in my tummy, ready to explode. I had all the temperature  inside me ready to be let out...But I couldn't let that all out, it matters that I get to join the finals. So I felt like punching the person who won, but that will make it even worse. For some people, they can handle it for me sometimes I can handle it. So the way I feel about, losing a race is: Sadness.

Paragraph 3 What are you going to do about it?:
When people say they are tough that they will beat the person who won, and they will kill that person to death.. is not right..Having the courage inside you is what matters. When I lose a race I am going to action it by: breathing in and out, not getting mad and also not letting the temper out. Sometimes I get over reacted when I lose a race. What I will do is that I will get mad and want to start the race over again. I wouldn't want to do that again. So I just let it go, most of the people would just breathe in and out and just walk out of the tracks where they run. So for me my answer for that question is, I am going to be bold and strong.

So the main purpose of this story is that, when you lose a race you should be proud. Do not be angry and don’t let your temper out. Have the courage and let that fear out of you and just walk along. So I hope that you get to be happy where you are no matter if you lost. I am happy where I am, which is 8th in the race..(:

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