Monday 19 September 2016

How I Lost My Voice!

  Imaginative Writing

               Please do mind, that this story is a little bit different and confusing.
Topic: This morning you woke up without a voice. Overnight something happened and you can only communicate non-verbally.Write about how you will think the day would be.

Intro: Today I will be talking about how I lost my voice, and I am going to think how I lost my voice, there is a Mission To Accomplish.

Paragraph 1: How did I lose my voice
It was a beautiful day and things were going well, as for me I was writing a story about “How a Dragon came to life”. Many people love to write stories about Dragons even me. “Oh! How silly me!”Hello my name is Dominic Browne, and I am a writer who loves to write stories, fake stories. Last night I had a problem with my mouth. I could not speak at all, things were pretty hard that everytime I talk, I only feel pain, Pain!! You know how it feels, well let's get the story to the writer Hereani…. There was something wrong with my character's voice so I have to do my characters talking. Dominic Browne could not speak anymore, maybe something happened to him when he went to sleep, Who knows? He does not even know too.

Paragraph 2: How are we going to solve it?
He only said that he writes and writes and writes, maybe that's what happened...ok let's get back to Dominic he is not going to talk but going to write….Hi there again, I was only writing a story down and that's all I did. But I heard something last night, there was talking outside my house, maybe they  came into my house and did some magic. When I was sleeping I felt so much pain that I could not wake up, and I heard songs like, a Lullaby coming out of my mouth. Then when I woke up, I thought that it was a dream, but it was not. I got out of bed, the phone rang and I went to go and pick it up and talk….But I could not talk at all...Back to Hereani...So Dominic you were saying that, someone stole your voice?
Dominic Browne: Yes!
Hereani: So then let's get to work, because those people are not in my story.

Paragraph 3: Solving the Mystery!
It is Dominic Browne now, I am still writing have not got my voice yet. Hereani what can we do?  Well we can go through my stories and find anything that’s not supposed to be in my story………..So I have found nothing Dominic Sorry.
Dominic: It’s okay
Hereani: Wait I  have found something very  confusing, I find an ugly drawing that my sisters drew, and it is about a man who steals voices...So that's where it came from, hmm let me see if  I can get your voice back.
Dominic: okay thanks
So they tried to get Dominic voice back and they got it back,  by erasing out the drawing that Hereani’s sisters drew. Finally Dominic got his voice back, they all had a fun time talking and laughing...But for me as Author, I will just stick to writing.

The End

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