Monday 4 April 2016

Sentence development

One beautiful morning at 5:00
A man was preparing for his breakfast. He was going to have eggs on toast.It was smelling really nice.It looked really nice.Also it tasted  really nice. His breakfast was really nice that he could have it everyday. He went to go and got change and off he went to  work with a full  tummy and he was so happy.Image result for toast with eggs on top


IT was really dark in the morning, at Summerville.

Their were two girls walking down the street to the shop to buy junk for the them.It was really cold. They went to the shop ,bought their junk and started walking back home. While they were walking back, home they could hear whispering they turned back there was nobody. Next they could smell one of, kind smell it smelled like a dead rat. When they looked back they could smell it again.One of the girls, turned to the front and felt a shadow,she screamed so loud that nobody heard her.She was so scared so frightened.Next they could see a ghost, right there in front of their of their face they were so scared, they ran into the ghost and all the way home.

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