Tuesday 21 June 2016

Key Ideas for My Name is Mina

WALT  respond to the text…My name is Mina

                                       ...Key Idea..
                                 It is ok to be Unique
Being unique is okay, because unique can change things. Like if you're good at reading, your reading is unique from everyone else. Being unique can be scary from the start, but when you start getting used to it, you are ready to expose yourself. Just like Mina, Mina is very unique to everybody else. She writes different in a different way. Mina was proud of being unique, she like it that way. When people teased her about how the way she writes, she does not care what people think or even say about her. Mina for me is a very brave girl, she had the courage to stand up for herself. Always follow your path not anyone else.

Like what mina had onced said, she does not care what people think about her. Her teacher miss Scullery even teased her about her way of writing. She felt ashamed of herself, that she even written it all in her diary. Like I said being unique is ok. People like to tease unique people because they are different from them. Remember not everyone is perfect. When you are unique you are trying to hide, how you are unique. I had a friend she was unique she was different from everyone. I really felt sorry for her that I really wanted to hit those kids heads, but that's not going to help. Because they are going to be amazed what they are going to see how unique you are.

Unique can change the world, because you're different from others. I liked what Mina thinked because she was brave, strong and unafraid. Mina for me would be my role model, she really helped me through  learning days. Mina is the best writer in the world I suppose. She really had a different way of writing, that I  really thought that she has a better one than anyone else. Her teacher even, she even teased the way she wrote. A teacher like that, man that teacher was really mean to Mina. The result of her work was pretty good even the head teacher didn’t like Mina. Remember the main thing is…………….. IT'S OK TO BE UNIQUE……..

Thank you for reading

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